Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Do you ever feel as though you are busy and yet don't seem to have accomplished much? 

I've been working on many projects lately, some I cannot share yet.

 I still don't feel as though much is happening. 

I have a  few sewing projects on my mind and machine, many more I want to start. I have a stack of cards nearly completed, and the ideas for the renovations are swirling. Not to even start on the gardening plans I have, though a dozen or more seedlings sit on my coffee table. 

How do you get passed that? 

Oddly enough this is when I get the most ideas. When I don't have time to complete them. 

Here's a snap of my tiny tomato plants (and 1 celery) to give thoughts of freshness and spring. Cheers to creative energy and growth. 


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